The printing on lenticular allows to realize many interesting visual effects impossible to reach by traditional methods.The recipient has the impression of changing images or 3D photos without need to use special VR glasses.
Our company will help you to prepare graphics for lenticular printing. To reach the spectacular effect we use the best software. We will also choose the best lenticular to make you product looks its best.
Below you can find examples of our realizations with a full description of the applied effect.
Depending on the angle of view we see 2 – 3 different pictures. They change in jumps, not fluently. The best effects are reached by using of two pictures with similar colors. Changing of two contrasting pictures is possible, but it can result in particular appearing of both pictures at the same time. - The pictures change by moving up-and-down (lenses horizontal) or left-to-right (lenses vertical). Better results are achieved definitely by up-and-down movement.
The feeling of depth at the picture is reached by placing of flat elements on layers, which seem to be in a different distance from observer’s eyes. The following rules must be obeyed to get the best possible effect and get all the advantages of this effect:
- The layers must be „full” (without „holes” behind the cut elements)
- The background layer must include as many contrasting details as possible (pattern). The 3D effect can’t be created on plain background
- The elements put on different layers should cover each other particularly. This intensifies the illusion of “depth”
- The most important details should be put on layer „zero”, so they can be good legible and sharp (the elements on the background and in front of the layer „zero” are a little blurred)
- The project cannot be too dark. Light, intensive and „warm” colours should be put in the front
- The font (text) cannot be too small (this rule is valid for all imprints on lenticular foil)
- the project must include „bleed”, especially for the left and right side. The size of „bleed” depends on project, total size of the imprint and planned „depth”
This effect is suitable for showing of several or over a dozen of movement sequences. The final effect seems to show a fluently change of scenes like in a short movie. Of course the lenticular foil is not a TV screen and the client must remember that the sequences will recur in a short time interval.
The pictures change fluently one into another. - The project should contain the first and the last sequence. The transitional sequences are generated by Raster using appropriate software. - The best effects are achieved by using the same background and similar shapes of both objects.
It allows you to show the impression of a fully 3D three-dimensional image. When you look at the image from a different angle, it changes dynamically, increasing the perception of depth. The preparation of the project involves making a specially prepared photo shoot.
It allows you to show the impression of a fully 3D three-dimensional image. When you look at the image from a different angle, it changes dynamically, increasing the perception of depth. The preparation of the project involves modeling the scene in programs for preparing 3D graphics